Marta Uxó

Location: Barcelona (Spain)

Languages I work in: Catalan, Spanish.


Email:  Phone: (+34)607381006

I am passionate about discovering the leverage points that unite teams and communities with their natural movement and their free evolution.

I was conceived to “bring harmony” to a family in chaos. Although the harmony never landed, my curiosity has been voracious for 9 months and 50 years. I adore complexity, diving into it and fishing systemic highlights!

Lawyer, founder, consultant, and teacher, during the last twenty-five years I have led teams, coordinated projects, and facilitated communities in the social, governmental, and organizational fields.

The specialization in conflict and the need to go further led me to attune with the systemic- phenomenological approach fourteen years ago.

I love to meet with the “Whole” of teams and systems, in their reconnection with the origin, rescuing compasses to find out undiscovered futures.

I currently lead Systemic Evolution, BCN, a team of systemic women, specialized in different areas.