Zena Me

Location: UK (but work Internationally)

Languages I work in: English.

And with an interpreter in other languages.

Website: www.zename.co.uk

+44 (0)7966 159563

I love to play with the hidden mysterious realms to liberate teams from their old limiting patterns, so they embody their real potential and find their place of belonging in the whole.

I believe that all teams are a living thing with a soul purpose and are founded to serve the greater good and like all living things, they must change to thrive.

I started my career as a Police trainer and for the past 30 years I’ve worked as a consultant, facilitator and coach working with senior leaders and teams. I’ve taught at Cranfield Business School, combining the work of Joseph Campbell with my experience in performing arts and constellating, taking senior leaders on their own ‘Hero’s Journey’.

I love to work phenomenologically, combining my unique psychic vision with creative experiential learning to help senior leadership teams to become more conscious, connected and cohesive.